In a culture of hyper-competiveness and hyper-comparison it is easy to get caught up in judging ourselves in comparison to others. When comparing yourself to others you are almost always guaranteed to come out feeling negative.


If you compare yourself to someone else and you tell yourself, “I’ll never be as (insert anything here) as someone else you will find yourself feeling devalued, depressed, or inadequate. On the other end, if you tell yourself, “I’m better than this person because (insert anything)” you may find yourself devaluing someone else.


We are all on our own path and journey and comparing your path with someone else will almost always leave you feeling unhappy. Especially in the world of social media where everyone presents their “best selves” it’s easy to get caught comparing your entire life to others “best selves”.   People don’t typically post, “Today, I was frustrated and yelled at my loved one” or “Today, I feel unmotivated and anxious to enter that social situation” or “Today, I failed miserably on my task at work.”


Making the decision today to no longer compare your life with others presented life can make a major change in your overall mood and happiness. We are all human’s doing our best in this experience of life. We’re all on the same journey with our own challenges, difficulties, triumphs, failures, and desire for peace and happiness.  

Fresno Family Therapy

Phone: (559) 795-5990


Fax: 1-559-468-0169


Fresno Family Therapy

Fresno Family Therapy - Fallbrook Office

Fresno Family Therapy - Fallbrook Office

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