You feel like you are out of control of your body and you don’t quite understand what is happening. Also, you may be feeling sick to your stomach or like everything is falling apart.
You avoid certain situations so you don’t have to deal with the dreaded feeling that leaves you feeling powerless. You’re tired of being caught up in your thoughts because you overthink EVERYTHING. It feels like everyone’s eyes are on you and that you are constantly being judged for your every move.
Sometimes your heart begins to race, you feel sweaty, and go into a state of panic. In addition, you may have even began unwanted habits such as biting your nails, picking your skin, or ritual habits.
We understand what you are going through. You are not alone and you do not have to continue to battle these anxiety symptoms on your own.
Working With Us
We take a genuine, non judgmental, and solution focused approach to therapy. When you come in to meet with one of our therapist, they will have you complete a short intake sheet to gather information. Also, they will go through necessary paperwork and talk about the process of therapy with you. After you’re through with the paperwork, goals will be created for getting the most out of your time together. The following meetings will be tailored sessions based on the goals that were created in the first meeting.
If you are looking for a more clinical perspective to working with us, our counselors provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) when working with someone who is experiencing anxiety. CBT is a type of therapy that supports you with discovering how negative thoughts contribute to your emotional distress and behavioral concerns. Empirical research has shown that CBT is highly effective for those experiencing anxiety and general stress.
Therapy for Anxiety Can Help With:
- Increasing confidence in social situations
- Reducing excessive fears
- Decreased feelings of worry
- Stress Management
- Skills for handling panic attacks
- Techniques for remaining calm during anxious moments
- Ability to handle life situations with confidence
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is when you excessively worry about a certain event, activity, or a mixture of areas causing distress. For adults, these feelings are typically associated with job responsibilities, financial matters, or personal performance. Also, they may be related to health issues, life changes, or every day experience. For children, you are likely to see these symptoms related to school responsibilities or family changes. In addition, children may also feel anxious during social situations, academics, or athletic performance.
Here are Common Signs of Anxiety:
- Excessive worry
- Fear
- Difficulty concentrating
- Racing heart
- Nausea
- Sweatiness
- Insomnia
- Feeling like everything’s falling apart
- Shaking or trembling
What is Social Anxiety?
Social Anxiety, also known as Social Phobia, occurs when there is excessive worry, fear, or discomfort related to social settings. For example, people who experience social anxiety have fears such as eating in public Also, you fear speaking in front of others, or feelings like you’re being constantly evaluated.
Common Signs of Social Anxiety:
- Symptoms of social anxiety typically include:
- Stress related to social situations
- Fear of rejection
- Feeling like you’re constantly being judged by others
- Rehearsing in your head
- Avoiding social interactions
- Fear and worry that is disproportionate to the situation
What are Panic Attacks?
If you’ve experienced a panic attack you understand that they can be terrifying. You feel as if you are going to die because they usually occur without warning. During the panic attack you feel an intense spike in fear within minutes.
Common Signs of a Panic Attack:
- Heart pounding
- Sweating
- Nausea,
- Fear of choking
- Tingling feelings
- Chilling or Overheating Sensations
- Feel out of control and helpless
- Fear of dying
- Shaking or trembling