Melody Alberty, AMFT

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

Supervised by Stefan Paquet, LMFT – Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #118370

People are the greatest asset to life. Here is where my passion unfolds. We, as a people reflect upon life in many arenas. Those high on the list are love, happiness, health and wellness, mental health, trauma and stress. My continuing journey is to assist individuals, children, and families with my knowledge through education and training in sensitive areas such as these. The outcome is for these individuals is to reintegrate into society with a renewed sense of purpose toward their future, nurture family attachments and strengthen their support systems.


It is quite true that it takes a combination of training and strategy to achieve success. Due to this, I have trained successfully in mental health, substance abuse, youth offender programs, caseload manager and rehabilitation.


My educational background is broadened by my MFT’s Masters’ Degree with Brandman University, BA with Fresno Pacific University in Business Administration and Criminal Justice with West Hills Community College.


Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist AMFT 117948

Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Bradman University

Bachelor or Arts in Business Administration from Fresno Pacific University

Areas of Focus

  • Addiction
  • Adolescents
  • Family Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma

Fresno Family Therapy

Phone: (559) 795-5990


Fax: 1-559-468-0169


Fresno Family Therapy

Fresno Family Therapy - Fallbrook Office

Fresno Family Therapy - Fallbrook Office

Fresno Family Therapy - Clovis Office