Something has been “off” about your teen lately and they do not seem to be acting like their usual self. Also, they’re behaving in ways that our potentially causing issues for their future and you just don’t seem to know how to get through to him. You’ve been searching for ways deal with your teen hoping that his behavior will change, but you just cant’ seem to find anything that will work.
We understand what you’re going through. Dealing with teenagers can be difficult because they are at the odd age between needing the support of their parents and desperately wanting to be independent. All at the same time, They’re exploring their own identities and trying to discover their place in society.
Here are some of the common issues we see with the teens we work with:
- Anger outbursts
- Worry or Anxiety
- Depression
- Family changes (e.g. divorce, separation, loss of loved ones)
- Treating Teenage Depression
- Unwanted habits
- Social media issues
- Academic Stress
- Irritability
- Substance use
- Talking back to adults
- Behavior problems at home and school
- Failing grades
- Struggling with communication
- Difficulty making friends
- Lack of motivation
In this new world of social media, technology, and social norms, it’s easy to be lost in understanding the world teenagers are trying to navigate. Many times, teens have a whirlwind of emotions but just do not seem to know how to appropriately express them.
Here are the common issues we hear from parents that seek our services:
“How do I motivate my teen?”
“My teenage son/daughter won’t talk to me.”
“How do I communicate with my teen?”
“What do I do when my teen will not listen?”
“How should I discipline my son/daughter now that they’re a teenager?”
“I cannot get him/her to see that their decisions are affecting their future.”
“How do I change their behavior?”
Working With Us:
In teen counseling, we like to include the parent in creating goals for treatment because you are the most important person in your child’s life. For the initial session, we’ll meet together and create treatment goals. For the following sessions, your child and will meet one on with one of our therapists to address and meet these goals. You will remain actively involved in the treatment process while at the same time maintaining confidentiality for your child to feel safe sharing with us.
Most likely, your teen may feel anxious about coming to therapy, which is completely normal. We appreciate the challenge of resistant teens. After they arrive, the goal is for your child to feel comfortable and eventually get to a point where they are willingly attending future sessions.
Teen Counseling Can Help With:
- Skills for handling school and life
- Increased self confidence
- Reducing feelings of depression
- Coping with stress
- Decreased anxiety
- Increased energy
- Communication skills
- Self Esteem
- Managing anger and frustrations
- Ability to appropriately express thoughts and feelings
Sometimes all it takes is having an outside person to reinforce what you’ve been trying to get through to your teen all along. Sometimes there are deeper issues occurring that need someone with trained professional experience to treat. Both are excellent reasons to seek a therapist for your teen.